Articles to Live By

Healthy Carbs to Start Eating Again

Fresh and dried fruit on a boar provide healthy carbs

Bring carbs back to the table! No more food fears, especially when it comes to healthy carbs. Below you’ll find my picks for healthy carbs to help shield the body from chronic illnesses. Fear mongers – especially carb-bashers – may have you confused in the…


Farro Waldorf Salad

waldorf farro salad in a bowl

In this version, the Waldorf salad gets a much-needed flavor and nutrient makeover with whole grain farro as a base, the brightness of orange and some pizazz from cinnamon and cardamom. Just like my red quinoa tabouli, this healthy farro salad is perfect for a…


What are the Good Fats for Diabetes and Heart Disease?

good fats for diabetes on counter

Thank goodness the 80s notion that all dietary fat is bad – and, by extension, that all fat-free cookies are good – has gone the way of the pager! Today we know that the type of fat matters. But there’s still confusion about what are…


Some Truths about Carbs

hummus, crackers and bread

Let’s talk about healthy carbs, including starch. There is such a thing – even for people with diabetes or prediabetes. In recent years, eating has become fear-based. To many people, eating healthy is all about avoiding whatever food or ingredient is the villain of the…


10 Easy Ways to Get Fiber

get fiber in lentil chili

We know that fiber is really important. More than 80% of consumers said so in a survey. But guess what? We’re not eating nearly enough! I’ve got you covered. Here are 10 easy ways to get fiber! Why you should get more fiber? You’re probably…


Resistant starch is the surprising fiber you need today!

high fiber muesli

What is resistant starch and why should you get some today? It’s a super special type of fiber that acts differently from other types of fiber. You know you need more fiber, right? What else would a dietitian say? Reap the fiber benefits! High-fiber intakes…


Can You Reverse Type 2 Diabetes and Prediabetes?

Revers diabetes chart

Can you reverse diabetes? What about prediabetes? Will diet, weight loss, and exercise give you a clean bill of health? A lot of people ask me if they can reverse diabetes or prediabetes. For some, the answer will be yes. But not for everyone. It’s…


Do You Know the Numbers that Can Help You Prevent Heart Disease?

5 Numbers to Know to Prevent Heart Disease Text Image

Knowing your results for these blood tests for heart health can save your life. Learn what your blood sugar and cholesterol levels should be and how to get them closer to healthy! It’s not unusual (or surprising) to fear cancer, HIV, flying and so much…


What is the Best Prediabetes Diet?

peanut stew

Your best prediabetes diet uses 5 key strategies. And it doesn’t mean not eating carbs. Find sample meals and plenty of tips for healthy eating for prediabetes. What you eat can help you avoid the problems that often accompany a diagnosis of prediabetes. You might…


What is the Best Nut for Health?

a bowl of the best nuts

Inside: You want to know what is the best nut? Good news. You’ll like my answer. Which nut is your favorite? I adore walnuts in my oatmeal and muesli. Chocolate-covered almonds are one of my go-to desserts. Have you tried Wonderful Salt and Vinegar Pistachios?…


Welcome to my Blog

Hi there! I'm Jill, a nutrition & diabetes expert and the author of 4 books.

Jill Weisenberger

I believe simple changes in health habits can bring you life-changing rewards.

And I believe willpower is way overrated.

Right here is where you can discover the mindset and habits to stick with healthy lifestyle choices most of the time - and drop the guilt when you don't.

Second Edition!

Dietspotlight Top Pro 2017-18